The Apostle Paul withheld nothing when giving out the Word of God in all its wondrous depths. True to that calling, the full counsel of God is preached without compromise at Living Waters each Sunday morning at 10:45 a.m. You’ll find soul-deep nourishment in the truth-in- love message that will help you grow into full maturity in Christ. Listen or watch the latest message from our Sunday morning service.


Wednesday night Bible studies at Living Waters are in-depth studies of the Word of God given by Pastor O’Dorisio. The studies may be by book, or topical.  Recent studies include the Song of Solomon and Life of Jonathan. Join us mid-week for a true refreshing.

Study Books

The study books listed on this page are aids for your personal study of the Word of God and for the building of your faith.


At Living Waters services we are blessed to experience live music performed by musicians who willingly yield their God-given talents to lift up and edify God’s people through music and lead them into worship in praise to God for His faithfulness. Listen to music from recent services now.

Statement of Faith

All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:  That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works” II Timothy 3:16-17

The Scriptures quoted above express the heart of our writings and teachings. We believe that all Scripture contains something valuable for our spiritual growth. We cannot understand the Bible as a whole, until we have a workable knowledge of Paul’s epistles to the Church. Therefore we urge all to obey II Timothy 2:15 – “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of Truth.”

We believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and is the eternal Word made flesh. He has the threefold office of Prophet, Priest, and King. He is the only Head of the Church, which is His Body

We believe that the Holy Spirit is God’s Agent to execute the Father’s will. During this present Church Age, He is carrying out God’s plan for the Church. He was sent to earth, on the day of Pentecost, to dwell not only WITH men but IN them – Acts 2. He is actively dealing with sinners; and filling believers, and leading and teaching them the Truth.

We believe in the complete depravity of the human race, which began with Adam and Eve. Everyone who is born of the human race needs to accept the Redeemer, Jesus Christ, in order to be made righteous.

We believe that salvation is by grace, through faith, absolutely apart from works – Eph 2:8,9. We believe that salvation is for everyone who believes, and not for a chosen number only – John 3:16. Man has a will of his own, to either accept or reject the Gift of God.

We believe that, when an individual accepts Christ as his personal Savior, he is born again – born of God. This new birth is irrevocable, and cannot be changed. WE believe that, once a person becomes a Christian, he cannot be lost.

We believe that there are only three Church ordinances: The Lord’s Supper, I Cor. 11:23-34, Water Baptism, Acts 2:37, 38, and Woman’s Covering when publicly praying or prophesying, I Cor. 11:5-16. These are to be observed only as symbols and remembrances. We believe that baptism is by immersion, and should be done in the Name of the Lord Jesus – Acts 2:37,38.

We believe that, after salvation, a believer should receive the fullness of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the Agent of the new birth, and enters a believer’s spirit when he is born again. The Spirit desires to inhabit and control the whole of a man; and, therefore, every believer should be filled with the Spirit. This is an experience absolutely separate from salvation; and, is evidenced by the believer speaking in a language he does not know, as the Spirit gives utterance – Acts 2:4.

We believe that the Holy Spirit has endowed the Church with His special nine gifts, as outlined in I Cor. 12. These gifts are to be regulated by the Spirit, according to God’s Word. Divine love should be the motivation factor in exercising these gifts; otherwise, Paul’s admonitions in I Cor Fourteen should be heeded.

We believe in the salvation of the whole man – spirit, soul, and body. It is as easy for God to heal the body, as it is for Him to heal the soul and spirit – Matthew 9:5

We believe that Paul’s epistles were written especially for the Church today. He was given the revelation necessary for the perfecting of Christ’s Body. The Gospels contain Jesus’ ministry on earth; but, do not contain Church Truth, except as to principles. This Dispensation of Grace belongs particularly to the Apostle Paul, and he is the apostle to the Church.

We believe that each believer has two natures. He retains the old nature inherited from Adam, but he also has the new nature of Christ. There is a struggle between the two natures (Romans 7), until victory is achieved by the new nature over the old – Romans 6 and 8.

We believe that there is a SPIRITUAL perfection for the believer. He has the Power within to overcome the world, the flesh, and the Devil.

We believe that the Lord desires that we all grow up into Christ in all things, and reach a state of perfection pleasing to Him.

We believe that Jesus will return for the overcoming saints BEFORE the seven-year period of Tribulation. He will come WITH His saints to be revealed to the world and to Israel after the Tribulation.

We believe that there will be ranks in the resurrection – I Cor 15:23. There has already been partial resurrection when Christ was raised – Matt. 27:52,53. We believe that the different ranks or orders can be clearly seen in Revelation. We believe there is an “out-resurrection” for overcomers in the Church – Phil 3:11. We believe that the Bride of Christ is a special group out of the Church who are full overcomers. We base this primarily on II Corinthians. And on many types found in the Old Testament; the outstanding one is in Genesis 2. (God took a rib from Adam, and from it He builded a wife for him.

We believe in the thousand year reign of Christ. He will take His Throne in Heaven seven years before the world acknowledges Him as “King of Kings, and Lord of Lords.” He will reign until the culmination of the Millennium at the Great White Throne judgment – Rev. 20. He will then step down as God Almighty, and give the reins of authority to His Father – I Cor 15:24-28.

We believe that all believers in Christ have eternal life, and all those who reject Christ as Savior will have eternal punishment. We believe in a literal Heaven for believers, and a literal lake of fire for unbelievers.