The Apostle Paul withheld nothing when giving out the Word of God in all its wondrous depths. True to that calling, the full counsel of God is preached without compromise at Living Waters each Sunday morning at 10:45 a.m. You’ll find soul-deep nourishment in the truth-in- love message that will help you grow into full maturity in Christ. Listen or watch the latest message from our Sunday morning service.
Friday evening services alternate between Friday Night Bible Study and Friday Evening Adult Bible Class and rotate with Testimony Service. Bible Studies are given by various saints and the Bible Class is taught primarily Scott Pawelka. Each Bible Study, Bible Class and Testimony Service is followed by Prayer Meeting.
Wednesday night Bible Studies at Living Waters are in-depth studies of the Word of God given by Pastor O’Dorisio. The studies may be by book, or topical. Join us mid-week for a true refreshing.
Ty Robinson teaches an adult Sunday School class from 10:00-10:45 a.m. in the main sanctuary.This class will encourage you to come into the presence of God and expound on the full-counsel encouragement to grow to maturity in Christ.
The Paramount Truths document outlines foundational doctrines in the Word of God from salvation to the infilling of the Holy Ghost and Bridal manifestations in the Old and New Testaments. This is a primer for those desiring to search out the scriptures and learn more of the deep things of God.
Archived Sermons
Living Waters has a rich heritage of sermons spanning decades that detail a living legacy of the full counsel of God given freely to and for His people. Sermons by Pastor O’Dorisio and others who have preached at Living Waters are archived here.