Ladies Fellowship Dinner – (See calendar below for dates)
Ladies Fellowship Dinners are at 6:00 p.m. on the 2nd Tuesday of each month in the church basement. Meals are either home-cooked or brought in from a local restaurant. A brief devotional is given after the meal and sometimes testimonies are shared. Generally the dinners wrap up around 8:00 p.m.
During the months of November and December the ladies gather at a restaurant in the Denver metro area for a special time of fellowship in celebration of Thanksgiving and Christmas. At the Christmas Luncheon ladies may bring a small gift for a gift exchange. Door prizes (often hand-crafted gifts) are drawn. There is a nominal cost for the November and December meals as they are outside the church. Payment is always based on what can be afforded.
These dinners are a delicious time of food and fellowship! We hope you’ll join us.