Date: October 11, 2015 ()

Bible Text: Jonah 2:1-10 |

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God Prepared the Fish         October 11, 2015

Jonah 2:1-10 Then Jonah prayed unto the LORD his God out of the fish's belly, 2 And said, I cried by reason of mine affliction unto the LORD, and he heard me; out of the belly of hell cried I, and thou heardest my voice. 3 For thou hadst cast me into the deep, in the midst of the seas; and the floods compassed me about: all thy billows and thy waves passed over me. 4 Then I said, I am cast out of thy sight; yet I will look again toward thy holy temple. 5 The waters compassed me about, even to the soul: the depth closed me round about, the weeds were wrapped about my head. 6 I went down to the bottoms of the mountains; the earth with her bars was about me for ever: yet hast thou brought up my life from corruption, O LORD my God. 7 When my soul fainted within me I remembered the LORD: and my prayer came in unto thee, into thine holy temple. 8 They that observe lying vanities forsake their own mercy. 9 But I will sacrifice unto thee with the voice of thanksgiving; I will pay that that I have vowed. Salvation is of the LORD. 10 And the LORD spake unto the fish, and it vomited out Jonah upon the dry land.
Without God we cannot, and without us He will not. Apart from God we can do nothing. Without us being willing, God will not. He will not force us, He wants a willing lover. Even though He doesn’t force us, God has aligned everything in your life to turn to Him; but you have to make the choice to say I will go. God prepared a fish to save Jonah’s life but Jonah had to respond to that grace, love, and mercy. How many times have you just wanted to quit, even when you had run well? But God prepared the fish, the miracle of mercy. If you suffer with Me, you will reign with Me, glorified together (Romans 8:17).
In verse eight Jonah saw the light, he realized he had been forsaking mercy, the plan for God’s best. How many times does God have to prepare a fish in your life to get you to cry out with thanksgiving? You are God’s inheritance. You are everything to Him, the same as His only begotten Son because it’s the same life. He’s getting you to stop, be still, and behold Him.
Hear in your heart that you are His.
Song of Solomon 7:10 I am my beloved's, and his desire is toward me.
The truth exposes all lies but how will you know unless you hear the word of God? Take up the sword, show up in total weakness. He will enable. God prepared the fish so you could praise Him, like the prison God prepared for Paul and Silas (Acts 16:25). He is going to do it, when will you submit? Quit compromise, quit vanities. Like Jonah, by the grace of God, may there be a prayer meeting going on in your heart right now.
1Corinthians 15:10 But by the grace of God I am what I am:
I am more than a conqueror because He lives in me. The life I live is by faith, not lies. Think about the lies that cause you to fear - perfect love casts out all fear. I should not fear. God is still on the throne for you. We are perfectly designed to live by grace. When you are not fully going after God you are forsaking mercy. Go on until you see His wondrous face!