Date: February 10, 2019 ()

Bible Text: Job 42:1-5... |

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Vision                    February 10, 2019

The word of God speaks of the need of a vision. But first you have to realize that you are blind. The Word encourages us to see more, and by the Holy Ghost you can have enlightened eyes of understanding. Ask and receive, He is so ready to give.

Job 42:1-5  Then Job answered the LORD, and said,  2  I know that thou canst do every thing,and thatno thought can be withholden from thee.  3  Who ishe that hideth counsel without knowledge? therefore have I uttered that I understood not; things too wonderful for me, which I knew not.  4  Hear, I beseech thee, and I will speak: I will demand of thee, and declare thou unto me.  5  I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear: but now mine eye seeth thee.

Job 42:12a  So the LORD blessed the latter end of Job more than his beginning:

Was it worth it for Job to see and receive more? No doubt. Are all our trials and heartaches worth the vision to see Paul’s gospel? You would never know the depths of His mercy, love, and grace without them. The worst things in my life has brought the most fruit, the hardest things have brought the most gain for eternity, and without every event I wouldn’t know His grace and mercy. In His faithfulness, He afflicts us. We need the dire events in our lives to save us, to not waste our lives. When did God get to Jonah? After he was in the belly of a fish. God takes something away that He may give more. The power of Christ resting upon us comes one way; my weakness, my infirmities – His strength.

Joseph had dreams but it took betrayal and imprisonment for God to bring him to rule. Job lost everything so he could come to a place of faith to see God. It’s not about looking godly, it’s about the faith in your heart, and what’s captivating our thoughts. Our life is about just being ready. There is no other way than suffering together with Christ. If this is the life that describes you, then you are on the mark for the prize. Live abundantly. Joy unspeakable and full of glory even when you don’t feel good. Champions of glory. Vessels of mercy. Believe God every day. He never fails. Rejoice because He has ordered all these things in your life to bring you to the state of faith you have. Why do we choose to remain miserable when God has blessed you with the furtherance of the gospel? Quit thinking your life has to be some romantic novel. The only theme of glorified with Him is ‘but God’. He is rich in mercy. It has to be grace alone that propels you down the race course. Who are the ones who get the glory? The ones who are humbled. His mercy has given you everything.