Sunday's Sermon

06-30-19 John 17:13

Date: June 30, 2019 ()

Bible Text: John 17:13 |

Full Joy                          June 30, 2019 John 17:13  And now come I to thee; and these things I speak in the world, that they might have my joy fulfilled in themselves. How incredible is His heart toward us! This means my joy completed, finished in them. My good pleasure. What Jesus
2019-07-08T09:49:10-06:00June 30th, 2019|Comments Off on 06-30-19 John 17:13

06-23-19 Philippians 3:14…

Date: June 23, 2019 ()

Bible Text: Philippians 3:14... |

Press                     June 23, 2019 Philippians 3:14  I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. You’ll never press unless you know the love of Christ. Paul brought the mystery of Christ and His bride. Press = run swiftly, to catch, absolute goal; pursue in a
2019-06-25T20:17:28-06:00June 23rd, 2019|Comments Off on 06-23-19 Philippians 3:14…

06-16-19 Joshua 15:13-19

Date: June 16, 2019 ()

Bible Text: Joshua 15:13-19 |

 Make it Your Own                         June 16, 2019 We’ve been encouraged in our inheritance. You’ve got to know it and describe it and go after it like Caleb. His daughter saw it too. She saw what her dad had and wanted more. Mark them that have a love and passion and joy for the Lord.
2019-06-19T07:16:24-06:00June 16th, 2019|Comments Off on 06-16-19 Joshua 15:13-19

06-02-19 Acts 20:32…

Date: June 2, 2019 ()

Bible Text: Acts 20:32... |

Describe the Inheritance                June 2, 2019 Acts 20:32  And now, brethren, I commend you to God, and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up, and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified. This is your inheritance, the masterpiece of the word of His
2019-06-04T16:36:23-06:00June 2nd, 2019|Comments Off on 06-02-19 Acts 20:32…

05-26-19 Acts 2:36-41 & 47…

Date: May 26, 2019 ()

Bible Text: Acts 2:36-41 & 47... |

Receive and Grow                  May 26, 2019 Acts 2:36-38, 41  Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly, that God hath made that same Jesus, whom ye have crucified, both Lord and Christ  . . . 38  Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus
2019-05-29T07:21:31-06:00May 26th, 2019|Comments Off on 05-26-19 Acts 2:36-41 & 47…

05-19-19 II Kings 22:1-2, 23:23-25…

Date: May 19, 2019 ()

Bible Text: II Kings 22:1-2, 23:23-25... |

Go After It                        May 19, 2019 2 Kings 22:1-2  Josiah waseight years old when he began to reign, and he reigned thirty and one years in Jerusalem. And his mother's name wasJedidah, the daughter of Adaiah of Boscath.  2  And he did that which wasright in the sight of the LORD, and walked in
2019-05-22T21:29:39-06:00May 19th, 2019|Comments Off on 05-19-19 II Kings 22:1-2, 23:23-25…

05-12-19 John 21:3-6…

Date: May 12, 2019 ()

Bible Text: John 21:3-6... |

Cast Your Net on the Right Side                May 12, 2019 John 21:3-6  Simon Peter saith unto them, I go a fishing. They say unto him, We also go with thee. They went forth, and entered into a ship immediately; and that night they caught nothing.  4  But when the morning was now come, Jesus
2019-05-15T06:13:42-06:00May 12th, 2019|Comments Off on 05-12-19 John 21:3-6…

04-28-19 Psalm 25:10, Colossians 3:12, Romans 9:23

Date: April 28, 2019 ()

Bible Text: Psalm 25:10, Colossians 3:12, Romans 9:23 |

The Depths of Mercy                    April 28, 2019 Psalms 25:10  All the paths of the LORD aremercy and truth unto such as keep his covenant and his testimonies. Not some paths, not a part of your life – all. Keep = guard and love. He has to give you mercy before you’ll receive truth.
2019-04-30T18:00:17-06:00April 28th, 2019|Comments Off on 04-28-19 Psalm 25:10, Colossians 3:12, Romans 9:23
  • Sunday School for All Ages – 9:45 – 10:30 AM
  • Sunday Morning Service – 10:45 AM – 12:00 PM
  • Sunday Evening Classes for All Ages – 6:00 – 6:45 PM
  • Sunday Evening Service – 7:00 – 8:30 PM
  • Wednesday Night Bible Study – 7:00 – 8:00 PM
  • Friday Night Choir Practice – 7:00 – 7:55 PM
  • Friday Night Prayer Meeting – 8:00 PM
  • Thank you for taking a moment to view our web site. Living Waters Tabernacle has a wonderful heritage in Christ. As you might already know, Brother D.E. Hill started the church back in 1938. By God’s grace our congregation is committed to continuing his legacy in Christ, in that we follow Paul as he followed Christ (I Corinthians 11:1).
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    D.E. Hill was born August 4, 1910 in Paradise, Missouri, to John and Ida Hill. D.E.'s father was a farmer and Methodist minister who died just before D.E.'s third birthday. When D.E. was nine years old his mother married his step-father, George Milliman. D.E. had three older brothers: Lillard, Myrl, and Herb; three older sisters: Ada, Adella, and Zula; a younger brother, Troy; and, a younger sister, Hazel. D.E. is survived by his sister Zula who will be 98 in June, and Troy who... Read More >

    Jesse and Jessica Trujillo head up the Youth Group at Living Waters to encourage and grow the vision of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus for those of high school and college age. The Youth Group meets each Sunday evening from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. in the gym. Social activities are available throughout the year.

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